Thursday, August 12, 2010

Quiet House

It's been a rather sad day or two around the house. My daughter and her new husband left for their new home in Maryland. Only about a 12 hour drive. She even took her little dog, we are so attached to him. I miss him already. My little dog also misses his bestie.

While I am quite excited as they take on a new phase of their lives, a new school (grad school), a new job, new home, hopefully new friends and new place for ministry, I am really going to miss them. I want pictures of the new home, pictures of the place they will walk the dog, pictures of the campus. I need to picture what they tell me.

Erika moved home after college for 2 years to save for her wedding. And save she did. She was able to have the wedding of her dreams. Now having her home not as a child, but more like a friend, our relationship had changed, and now it will change even more. When in college she was only 1 1/2 hours away, big difference from 12 hours. My heart is sad. How long will I wait before going into the basement where she lived for the past 2 years. I thought I wanted to make some space for my hobbies, now I don't even want to go near the stairs.

I know my God, my father, my King will get me through this too. He always does. Imagine how he feels when we leave him. Though we never have too for a new job, school, etc. we leave him for the dumbest reasons. Yet he waits for us to return, as I will wait for my kids to visit, and I will visit them. I will anxiously await the phone calls and text messages. At least long distance phone rates aren't the same as they used to be.